FPC Youth

Youth at FPC meet on Sunday nights at 5:30 pm in the Youth Room. Youth activities focus on faith, fellowship, and service through devotions, games and trips throughout the year! For more information, please contact our Director of Family Ministries, Mason Warren at masonwarren@fpctn.org.
Youth Group Activities

Youth Group conference camps
The Montreat Middle School Conference is designed for youth who have completed fifth, sixth, seventh, or eighth grade by summer and for their group leaders. The daily schedule includes keynote, worship, recreation, singing, small groups, and many other activities. The conference is held at Maryville College, a PC(USA) affiliated private college, located in Maryville, Tennessee, between the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and Knoxville, Tennessee.

The High School Youth attend the PC(USA) Montreat Youth Conference every summer at Montreat College in North Carolina. Montreat Youth Conference is a unique gathering of young people from all over the country for a week of study, worship, and recreation.

For more information, contact Director of Family Ministry Mason Warren at masonwarren@fpctn.org or 865-966-9547.
Youth Sunday School

Join the Youth Sunday School class on Sundays at 10 am as they “Hike the NT”! Each week, youth will explore a specific book of the New Testament utilizing videos and discussion. For more information, contact our Director of Family Ministries, Mason Warren at masonwarren@fpctn.org.