

Our Foodies groups meet 4 times/year to prepare specific menu items and then share and socialize over an enjoyable dinner at member’s homes. All are invited to join in the fun! The next Foodies meal will be on Saturday, July 13th at Mikie Lancaster’s Lake House – 227 Mainsail Rd., Kingston, TN. Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, and Brats will be served. We ask $5 fee per adult to help cover the cost of the meat and condiments. Please bring a salad, appetizer, or dessert to share along with your choice of beverage. Sign-up is in the narthex. Contact Pat Hickman for more information.

2024 Foodies Dates:

March 16
May 4
July 13
October 26

Watch for the sign-ups in the narthex. You can contact Patricia Hickman for more information.

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