

Foodies! Our Foodies groups meet 4 times/year to prepare specific menu items and then share and socialize over an enjoyable dinner at member’s homes. All are invited to join in the fun! The next Foodies meal will be on Saturday, July 13th at Mikie Lancaster’s Lake House – 227 Mainsail Rd., Kingston, TN. Hamburgers, Hot …

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Children’s Christmas Pageant

What a wonderful Christmas Pageant the children of the church put on last Sunday. Thanks to ALL the volunteers who helped with stage set-up, costumes, practice, narrating and performing. We wouldn’t have had such a lovely pageant without your time and talents!

Consecration Sunday

WE HAD A WONDERFUL SERVICE AND MEAL ON Sunday, Nov. 12th for cONSECRATION sUNDAY. iF YOU WOULD LIKE TO MAKE YOUR PLEDGE PLEASE DO SO AT: https://tinyurl.com/makemyFPCpledge The consecration theme for this year is Community Grows Here. Romans 12:4-5 says, “So, we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of …

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